Assessing Impact in Our Transparency Reports

By publicly making recommendations to Meta and publicly monitoring its responses and implementation, we have opened a space for transparent dialogue with the company that did not previously exist.

As part of this commitment to transparency, we have published transparency reports on a quarterly basis. Moving forward, we will publish Annual Reports that include details about the impact of our recommendations on users, the decisions we have taken and the cases that we are receiving from users as well as Meta’s performance in implementing our decisions and recommendations.

Our latest impact stories

The Latest Data Points Illustrating Our Impact

1 Billion more people have access to Facebook's rules in their own languages, meaning more users around the world can understand the Community Standards.
1 Million notifications sent to users in a 12-week period before they posted content potentially violating the Bullying and Harassment rules, giving them a change to delete and repost. All information is aggregated and de-identified to protect user privacy. All metrics are estimates, based on best information currently available for a specific point in time.

Annual Reports

An annual overview of the Board’s activities, progress and impact.

Quarterly Transparency Reports

Regular updates on the impact of our recommendations and decisions, and the cases we are selecting.