Public Comments Portal

The Oversight Board’s achievements have been made possible by listening to and collaborating with others. These include researchers and civil society groups who have worked for years on the issues we are dealing with, and people who want to help shape our decisions and recommendations.

Have your say today and help us hold Meta accountable!


Iranian Make-Up Video for a Child Marriage

Iranian Make-Up Video for a Child Marriage

In January 2024, an Instagram user posted a short video in Farsi on their account. The account shares information about beauty salon services and a beauty school in Iran. In…

Published on June 6, 2024
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Pakistan Political Candidate Accused of Blasphemy

Pakistan Political Candidate Accused of Blasphemy

In January 2024, an Instagram user posted a six-second video in Urdu of a candidate for the Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) party in Pakistan’s February 2024 general election. The video…

Published on May 28, 2024
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Criminal Allegations Based on Nationality

Criminal Allegations Based on Nationality

These cases concern three content decisions made by Meta, one each on Instagram, Threads and Facebook, which the Oversight Board intends to address together. For each case, the Board will…

Facebook, Instagram and Threads
Published on May 21, 2024
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Statements About the Japanese Prime Minister

Statements About the Japanese Prime Minister

In January 2024, a user replied to a Threads post containing a screenshot of a news article in Japanese. The article includes a statement by Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida…

Published on May 16, 2024
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Posts That Include “From the River to the Sea”

Posts That Include “From the River to the Sea”

Due to a technical glitch, our public comments portal for cases related to the "From the River to the Sea" phrase closed earlier than planned. To ensure everyone has a…

Published on May 7, 2024
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Public Comments


Decision Published

Meta's Response

Board publishes an announcement in the News section
Board goes through rounds of deliberation on the Case/PAO
Board publishes detailed decision and recommendations
Board opens for public comments
People read about Case/PAO and submits comments
Meta publishes on the Transparency Center its commitments and actions

What do I need to submit a public comment?

The Oversight Board will share updates when a case and policy has been selected by the Board Members to review. As cases are assigned to panels, the Oversight Board will post a brief, anonymized description of the cases under review on the Oversight Board website. For up to 14 days after this posting, individuals and organization have an opportunity to share their insights. For expedited cases, this timeframe will be shortened.

The case descriptions are based on the information provided to the Board by users and Meta as part of the appeals process, and are being posted before panels begin deliberation to provide time for public comment. As such, they reflect neither the Board’s assessment of the case, nor the full array of policy issues that a panel might consider to be implicated by the case. A panel may decide to post additional information relating to the case, with an updated deadline for submission of comments.

To protect privacy and security, the comments will only be viewed by the Oversight Board and as detailed in the Oversight Board's Operational Privacy Notice. Anyone submitting comments will have an opportunity to provide consent to the Oversight Board to publish or attribute their comments publicly, as well as allow the Oversight Board to follow up with them regarding the content of their comments. The Oversight Board expects to publish comments in an appendix to each case decision, provided the comments meet the guidelines and the commenter has consented to the publication.

Submissions should meet the following requirements:

  • Received within the stated deadline, set fourteen days from the date of publication of the case summary.
  • Written in English or the languages identified by the Board in the portal as acceptable languages to submit public comments for the relevant case.
  • No more than 5 pages in PDF, Word or .txt format, Times New Roman 12pt font.
  • Must respond to the issues identified by the Oversight Board.
  • Content which is irrelevant, abusive, or disrespectful of the human and fundamental rights of any person or group of persons, or otherwise in breach of the Oversight Board Terms for Public Comment, may not be considered.
  • In addition, please do not submit information or comments that contains your Special Category Data (choosing to do so means that you consent to us using your Special Category Data). You must not provide the Special Category Data of any third party.
  • For more information, including how to withdraw consent, please see the Oversight Board Operational Privacy Notice.

The Oversight Board expects to receive a large volume of submissions and will review this initial process once the Oversight Board has a better understanding of needs and resources. The panels reviewing cases will consider submissions at their sole discretion, and do not expect to be able to consider every submission in their deliberations.

Acceptable languages to submit public comments

We welcome public comments in English as well as other languages for all situations. To find out which languages are accepted for each specific case, please consult the public comments submission form.

What is the deadline to submit a public comment for cases and policy advisory opinions?

Once the case is announced, individuals and organizations have a window of 14 days to submit public comments.

Why are public comments important and what are they used for?

The Oversight Board is committed to bringing diverse perspectives from third parties into our case and policy review process. To that end, the Oversight Board has established a public comment process to invite subject matter experts and interested groups to share relevant research and information that may help the Oversight Board deliberate specific cases. This input will allow Board Members to tap into more knowledge, expertise and context covering a variety of issues and geographies.